Provost Guard Chartered 1986
The Provost Guard meets the first Tuesday of every other month starting in February at 7:00 PM in the Multi-Purpose room at the Rajah Shrine Complex.
The Provost Guard assists in performing security duty and handling parking at the Circus in Hamburg. The Family Day Picnic, The Pote's Picnic, The Sportman's Raffle and at other functions throughout the year. They also assist the Parade Marshalls in lining-up units at parades. If you are interested in joining or attending a meeting please contact us.
Provost Guard Officers for 2025
Jared R. Kichline, PP - President
Michael J. Quinn - Secretary
Tarzan Hall - Treasurer
Ryan E. Kehm - Unit Director
John K. Grumbein - Liaison Officer
Michael J. Quinn - Liaison Aide
MASA Association Officers
Jared R. Kichline, PP – Colonel MASA Provosts Guard
Jon R. Schneider – Second Lieutenant MASA Provosts Guard
The Rajah Provost Guard now meets the first Tuesday every other month starting February 2025:
2025 Scheduled Meetings
February 4............... Stated Meeting
April 1..................... Stated Meeting
June 3..................... Stated Meeting
July 16...................... Stated Meeting
August 3.................. Family Picnic
August 6....................Pote's Picnic*
September 21..........Sportsmen's Raffle*
October 11.....................Spaghetti Dinner
November 4............. Stated Meeting
All Tuesday meetings start at 7:00 PM.
*Helpers and/or Security needed for these events.